Sabtu, 27 April 2019

Does Queen Elizabeth Approve of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Going to Africa? - The Cheat Sheet

It’s an exciting time for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. After getting married less than a year ago, they are all set to welcome their first child any day now, and they just moved into a new home in the countryside town of Windsor, England. Not only that, but the news recently broke that it is now possible that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are going to be spending some time in Africa for a short time. Their lives have been such a wonderful whirlwind lately that fans are barely able to keep up.

So, we have to wonder, does Harry’s grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, approve of Prince Harry and his wife going to Africa?

Africa is a special place for Harry and Meghan

Africa is special to the royal couple in more ways than one. Extremely early on in their relationship, before it was even announced to the world they were together, Meghan and Harry spent a few days in Botswana getting to know each other. It was there they realized that they truly connected and wanted to be a couple.

Not only that but the massive diamond that Meghan sports on her ring finger was sourced from Botswana as well. It is said that Harry truly loves Africa, and spent some time there as a way of escaping from the public eye immediately after the death of his mother, Princess Diana. 

Is the move definite?

At this point, Buckingham Palace has only confirmed the possibility of the Duke and Duchess going to Africa. Nothing is set in stone, and no concrete plans have been made.

It is always an exciting time when members of the royal family take on new duties, responsibilities, and adventures, and this possible trip would certainly be no exception.

What is the reason for the move?

For those wondering why a short move is being considered in the first place, it is said to be because they are planning to build upon their work for one of the Commonwealth countries. Harry and Meghan are president and vice-president, respectively, for Queen Elizabeth’s Commonwealth trust.

There has been some speculation that the reason for the move is due to tension between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, but this is nothing more than a rumor.

What are the pros and cons of the move?

If Harry and Meghan were to move to Africa even for a short while, we may not see as much of them as we would like to. This means that we likely wouldn’t see much of the royal baby, either.

However, the main advantage is that they would be spreading their work to a place that truly needs them there, and would be delighted to have them. Also, it is wonderful to see the members of the royal family branching out in their duties and going above and beyond as to what is expected.

Does Queen Elizabeth approve?

She certainly does. Queen Elizabeth has a special bond with her grandson Harry and knows that he is always intent on doing what is best for the people around the world.

The queen also realizes that the dynamic of the royal family is currently evolving and changing, and that family members are becoming much more modern than they have been known for in the past. Chances are, she fully supports the move to Africa and will do her part to encourage the couple to do what is right for them. 

We know that Harry and Meghan absolutely love Africa, and we would be ecstatic to see them spend time in a place that is so special. 

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2019-04-27 06:40:26Z

Jumat, 26 April 2019

Avengers: Endgame has no postcredits scene, but there is a minor audio stinger - CNET

Avengers: Endgame is now in theaters worldwide and runs a tight three hours and one minute. If your bladder is microscopic (like mine) you're probably going to need to beeline for the bathroom as soon as the credits start to roll. So do you need to stick around through the credits for an end-credits scene?

Nope. You're free and clear to run out, as there's no mid- or postcredits scene. Despite the MCU tradition of postcredit scenes, Endgame is a true finale. The postcredit scenes either set up the next MCU film, link the films together or even add a bit of humorous color to the world. But Endgame isn't giving away anything for Phase 4 yet. 

Now playing: Watch this: Avengers: Endgame is a thrilling sequel to every MCU...


But also, there's kind of a teaser?

Unlike other MCU films, there isn't a traditional end scene to Endgame, but there is a minor sort-of-maybe-"we're still debating it" audio stinger. After the crawling credits finish, the Marvel logo appears and an audio teaser plays. It sounds a bit like clanking? Really, it just seems like a way to show fans the Marvel Cinematic Universe will return. 

It could be metal on metal, someone blacksmithing, someone just banging something, or maybe just an accident we all hear now. (I thought it sounded a bit like a bell but I also really had to pee.)

Reddit user OxideCyanide makes a case for it being the sound of Iron Man building his suit in the first film. 

None of our viewing party could figure out exactly what the audio stinger was, but some of us have some off-the-wall guesses (we floated that it may be a Secret Wars teaser or an obscure X-Men one). We're inclined to go with Reddit on this one and it makes the most sense in the context of the movie.

I'd recommend staying for the initial part of the credits, which serve as a beautiful homage to all of the (many) Avengers, but especially the original six, as much of the marketing has done. So even if you don't stay for the audio stinger, at least wait till the rolling credits to leave.

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2019-04-26 16:32:00Z

Why So Many Of Us Believed Taylor Swift Was Coming Out - BuzzFeed News

For years — years! — we’d gathered every clue.

Kissgate. All those rainbows! Swapped lyrics featuring female pronouns. Lyrics that just seem really gay. The cats. The donations to LGBT causes. That performance with Hayley Kiyoko. Today, April 26, the day of Taylor Swift’s long-awaited announcement, is literally Lesbian Visibility Day.

I can’t claim to be nearly as much of a #Gaylor diehard as the true champions who’ve dedicated themselves to combing every last social media post, every public appearance, every exchange — however brief or seemingly insignificant — for evidence of Taylor’s queerness (and/or evidence of a romantic relationship with her sometimes-BFF Karlie Kloss). But there’s always been a deep, deep part of me that suspected one of the century’s biggest pop stars, as maniacally loved as she is deeply loathed the world over, plays (at least some of the time) for the girl’s team.

But particularly in the last few days, I’ve lost my head completely. I wouldn’t even call myself a Taylor fan, but I became a full-on #Gaylor truther, yelling at all of my colleagues that, surely, this famous lady was going to come out — as bi, as gay, as something. Jill Gutowitz’s investigations at Vulture had me hooked. The mural Taylor commissioned, revealed in Nashville yesterday, could not look more like the wings Karlie wore at the Victoria Secret show in 2013 — the year both she and Taylor walked in the show. Why would Taylor change some of the pronouns in her lyrics to “her” this week, of all weeks? Why???

I can’t help but suspect that Taylor, for her part, seemed to know that a dramatic countdown to a Big Midnight Announcement is exactly what her long-suffering queer fans have always wanted: a formalized hunt for The Truth. It’s almost as if she’s wanted to encourage the celesbian rumor mill. Taylor has been leaving clues for weeks as to what her announcement might entail, which means that, for Kaylor shippers, the past month has felt like Christmas. She even got a whole bunch of gays to watch her interview with Robin Roberts during, of all things, the NFL draft, a feat of enormous power if there ever was one.

Today I’m feeling like reporter Mary Emily O’Hara, who tweeted, “Taylor Swift is hardly the first straight girl I let lead me on.” Clearly, we should have known better. If only we’d heeded the skepticism of another reporter, Trish Bendix, who offered us a helpful reminder that it was just a short time ago a bunch of us got fooled into thinking a mysterious, major announcement from Kendall Jenner would be her coming-out moment, though it turned out to be the biggest not-news news of our time: She’d signed on as a Proactiv sponsor. It’s hard, in retrospect, to think we’d all been fooled into believing, as my friend Ellen put it, that “Taylor’s orientation is anything other than ‘capitalism.’”

Even though Taylor made the straightest gay music video of all time without actually coming out, it seems like the #Gaylor conspiracists haven’t given up hope yet. I doubt they ever will. And why would they?

Set aside, for the moment, the argument that public figures coming out is good for the community:Openly gay and bisexual people can serve as It Gets Better–style role models for all the many LGBT people out there who aren’t able to be open in their own lives quite yet. And the more openly queer people there are, the less stigma we’ll all face.

But besides all that: Queer celebrity gossip is fun!

(Of course, there’s a difference between friendly questioning about somebody powerful and viciously outing vulnerable, private citizens. Even shipping famous same-sex couples can go off the rails. That’s not the kind of queer gossip I’m talking about. Mostly, I mean shooting the shit with my friends.)

Whenever I’ve been with a bunch of lesbians and the topic of Taylor’s rumored queerness comes up, somebody will inevitably joke that they’d happily trade her in for Rachel Weisz or Cate Blanchett instead. (All of those people today, hearing Taylor didn’t actually come out, are feeling quite relieved indeed.) We argue about whether or not she broke Karlie’s heart, whether she really dated Dianna Agron.

Celesbian gossip, like all celebrity gossip, isn’t really about the celebrities. It’s about us, about what we value — in ourselves and in one another. It’s about what we want in our partners and friends and communities. Do we have a responsibility to come out? What makes a good queer, a progressive queer, a hot queer, a likable queer? What kind of language do we use to define who we are? How important is our sexual orientation to the way we structure our lives? Why do we put some queer people on pedestals and not others? What do we want a queer-friendly world to look like?

Celesbian gossip is also sort of soothing, because it can mirror the way a lot of us feel in our daily lives, trying to suss out whether or not our crushes might return our feelings. We’re all living in real-life versions of that famous discussion in season one of the L Word, when everybody’s trying to help Dana figure out if her new love interest is gay: Did you look at her fingernails? Did you look at her shoes? What is gay life, after all, if not an endless hunt for other gay people?

This time around, I found it quietly remarkable it is that, leading up to Taylor's grand announcement, we could even speculate about her sexual orientation so widely and loudly at all. Just a few short years ago, indicating that a celebrity might be gay or bisexual on social media, in the press, or any other kind of public platform could get you accused of “outing” them without their permission. For a million years, it seems, Kristen Stewart was openly holding hands with her girlfriends but still getting “gal pal”d and straight-washed in the tabloids. Only when Kristen “officially” came out were we, the public, then given permission to name what we’d already been seeing with our own eyes.

In the leadup to Taylor’s announcement, when rumors she’d be coming out began to furiously fly, the mainstream media and the gay press alike have published pieces openly speculating about whether or not her Big Reveal would be queer-related. My Twitter feed had been talking about nothing else all day. Perhaps, finally, wondering whether or not someone might be gay or bi doesn’t have to be treated like we’re poking at some shameful secret. (OK, a couple people on twitter did accuse me of outing her when I said I wish Taylor would go ahead and come out already — I don’t stay up til midnight for just any woman! — but they were in the minority this time.) It’s simultaneously a big deal when somebody comes out and not that big of a deal at all. As the meme goes: “Some people are gay, Steven.

I really thought Taylor was coming out this time. I really did! Now, there’s a big part of me — the grouchy and cynical part — which feels like the rollout for Taylor’s new song and video was a calculated attempt to queerbait us all before she turned on her glittery heels and announced that “ME!” would be… the soundtrack to more of the NFL draft. But there’s another part of me that has to grudgingly respect how she whipped a bunch of full-grown gays who “don’t really care about Taylor Swift” into such a frenzy. Taylor is nothing if not an excellent businesswoman.

Because of this sort of stunt and many others, I wouldn’t say that Taylor has ever been my favorite celebrity about whom to speculate (if you’d like to trade queer celeb gossip: DM me). Still, I’ve always enjoyed floating my half-baked #Gaylor theories to an unsuspecting group of people because, to most, Taylor has always just seemed so…. Hetero. And that’s not (only) because she’s very feminine, though straight people in particular seem to never learn that gays come in all kinds of packages. She’s also a famous serial dater of a whole bunch of famous men. Taylor, the ex of Joe Jonas and John Mayer and Jake Gyllenhaal? She couldn’t possibly be anything but straight!

For my entire adult life, I’ve been astonished at people’s inability to consider that, just maybe, a famous person — even one who’s famously dated men and seems way too uncool to be queer — could actually be gay or bisexual.

I’ve known Kristen Stewart was queer, for example, since I saw her play an adorable little 12-year-old baby dyke in one of the movies that spurred my sexual awakening, Catch That Kid (2004); her character, Maddy, convinces two different boys she’s in love with them so they’ll do her bidding, even though she doesn’t actually care about either of them. (Gay rights!)

Of course I couldn’t really know. But I knew, you know? That’s just how it works sometimes — a kind of spiritual gaydar. Even when Kristen Stewart became one half of what was, at the time, the most famous straight couple in the world — she dated her Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson, in case you’d forgotten — I knew. I knew it in my gay-ass bones. But I’d get frustrated with my (mostly straight) friends during that period and long afterwards who not only refused to believe my theory, but refused to even entertain the possibility that the pretty, morose actor who played Bella Swan might actually be a homo.

Of course, nobody should believe every wacky celeb conspiracy theory that flies across their feed. Not even the ones I pedal! But maybe it's worth examining our reasons for believing some celebrity theories more than others.

Before some famous women actually did come out (in whatever complicated form) and vindicated me, I’d mention my suspicions — about Kristen, or Demi Lovato, or Taylor Swift, or Ellen Page (seriously, Ellen Page) — and receive a remarkable amount of pushback. These days I’ll mostly get an “Eh, I don’t buy it” when I get too tin-hatty, but even in the year 2019, I can still hear something like: “Of course she isn’t GAY. Why would you even THINK that? And even if she was, why would it even MATTER in the FIRST place???”

Today, as everybody dissects Taylor’s video for still more clues — and as others judge those people for caring a little too much about what a celebrity chooses to do in private — I’m still gonna root for the believers. It feels hokey to say so, but coming out does still matter. Whatever the hell that looks like anymore. ●

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2019-04-26 15:49:00Z

9 Clues Taylor Swift Dropped About Her New Song That You May Have Missed - BuzzFeed

You've probably heard the news that Taylor Swift has released a brand new single and video — a collaboration with Panic! At The Disco's Brendon Urie — called "ME!"

The release marks the end of eight days of speculation about Taylor's new music and the beginning of the TS7 era.

However, this is Taylor Swift, and by now we know that everything she does is painstakingly planned and executed down to the final letter. And it turns out that she's been dropping clues about the new song for months.

1. Taylor made her return to the public eye and kicked off the new era with two Elle magazine covershoots back in February. She announced the news with this post on Instagram. And what was the caption?

You guessed it. Taylor began this era by literally telling us the name of the lead single from TS7, and no one realised.

2. Alongside the photoshoot, Taylor also wrote a personal essay for Elle in which she detailed some of the songs that mean the most to her. And one of the first to be mentioned was "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" by Panic! At The Disco. What we didn't know then was that the reference was a nod to the fact she'd be collaborating with Brendon Urie on "ME!"

3. It's also worth noting that Taylor mentioned Dixie Chicks in the preceding paragraph.

And a photo of the band also appears in the "ME!" video, which I'm taking as a hint that a collaboration between them might feature on TS7.

Republic Records

4. Back on April 13, Taylor began a countdown to the release of "ME!" Each day, she posted what we now know were images from parts of the video.

Many of the images, ranging from glittery hearts and pink fabric, slotted seamlessly into the new aesthetic of Taylor's Instagram account.

However, on April 20, Taylor shared this seemingly random image of some chickens wearing sunglasses, and it's safe to say that fans were extremely confused as to what it meant.

Many took the image as a reference to "cool chicks," but couldn't work out the meaning. Little did we know that in our analysing of the image we missed the fact that "cool chicks" would be an actual lyric from "ME!"

5. Taylor has also shared multiple references to butterflies on Instagram over the past couple of months — the most direct being this caption about migration season.

Exactly a month after that post, and one day after Taylor began her countdown, a gigantic butterfly mural was spotted being painted on a wall in Nashville. Some people speculated that it had something to do with TS7, but no one realised that the painting contained a bunch of clues directly related to the new song and video.

So you know the black #WhatLiftsYou mural in #Nashville (that's been here FOREVER)... The day after @taylorswift13 posted #TaylorSwiftApril26, they started painting a pink BUTTERFLY mural with cats and rainbows... I can't help but think it's connected to TS...

Among other details, the mural features three cats, rainbows and butterflies — all of which feature heavily in the video.

And, keeping with the butterfly theme, eagle-eyed fans have also noticed that the video for "ME!" appears to take place in a giant chrysalis.

All of which supports another theory that the album's title will be somehow related to butterflies.

6. However, some people think Taylor was dropping hints about the new song all the way back in the Reputation era.

Big Machine Records

A few weeks ago, a theory began circulating that TS7 was was actually intended to be released after 1989.

Big Machine Records

The theory posits that the pastel aesthetic of this era is much more in-keeping with the vibe of 1989, and seemed a natural follow on from that era.

The theory goes on to suggest that TS7 was recorded and ready to be released, but then all the drama with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West went down, shattering Taylor's ~reputation~ and forcing her to create a record which referenced and dealt with that controversy instead — and thus, Reputation was born.

This was bolstered by the fact that, in the famous lineup scene from the "LWYMMD" video, the "real" Taylor stands behind all the former iterations of herself on a jet plane whose tail reads: "TS6."

Big Machine Records

The "real" Taylor then saws off the plane's wings and spray-paints it with the word "reputation." Fans believe that the plane symbolises the sixth album which was literally prevented from going anywhere and replaced with Reputation.

7. Well, very interestingly, one of the tracks on Reputation, "End Game," contains this lyric.

And fans have noticed that this is exactly what came to pass — Reputation literally ended up preceding "ME!"

I‘ll never be over the fact that Taylor actually wrote the lyric ’Reputation precedes me‘ she is a GENIUS

Some are wondering whether the line was written as a deliberate reference to the fact she had to re-order the release of the albums.

8. Oh, and the word "me" features on every single track from Reputation.

9. And, finally, four hours before "ME!" was released, and while fans were scrabbling for any last-minute clues, Taylor shared this photo on Instagram with the name of the song as the caption.

Mind blown.

You can watch the video for "ME!" here.

View this video on YouTube

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2019-04-26 13:27:00Z

Fans Are Criticising "Avengers: Endgame" Because Of One Character's Lack Of Screen Time - BuzzFeed

Before we get started, this is your official spoiler warning. If you haven't seen Avengers: Endgame yet then 1. What are you doing? 2. Proceed at your own caution. It goes without saying but THERE ARE SPOILERS AHEAD.

Anyway, as I'm sure you've already guessed, after a year of waiting, Avengers: Endgame is finally here and boy oh boy was it worth the wait.

If you ask me, which you didn't but I'm going to tell you anyway, Endgame is the perfect conclusion to an incredible 22-movie franchise. Watching it truly feels like an instantly iconic pop culture moment, and something that will definitely be remembered for years to come.

Of course, Endgame is already receiving rave reviews and looks set to completely obliterate the box office in its opening weekend. Seriously, it could earn more than a billion dollars in less than a week.

But now that the initial wave of fans have seen the movie, one criticism in particular has also popped up, with fans pointing out one character's lack of screen time...


So, Danai Gurira — aka badass Dora Milaje warrior, Okoye — has had a somewhat rough ride in the lead up to Endgame. You remember the poster drama, right?

Back in March, when Marvel revealed the official Endgame poster, fans immediately noticed that although Okoye was featured amongst the other Avengers, Danai's name was missing in the credits.

After receiving backlash, Marvel swiftly pulled the original poster and released an updated version with Danai's name now included.

Things were hunky dory for a little while until people then realised that, although there were a couple of trailers released for Endgame, Okoye didn't actually appear in any of them.

I just saw an Endgame teaser that showed a brief glimpse of Valkyrie. They really starved the Okoye stans huh?

In fact, people were incredibly confused by it all considering Danai was heavily involved in the promo tour for Endgame.

okoye is on all of the endgame posters and danai is part of the press tour bUT OKOYE HASNT BEEN IN ANY OF THE TRAILERS SO WHERE IS SHE, WHAT IS SHE DOING, I NEED TO KNOW

Prediction/spoiler: Endgame Either Marvel hates Okoye or she dies/MIA bc she's in no current trailers unless it's flashbacks to Infinity War, they forgot to put Danai Gurira's name on the official poster and now Okoye isn't in any other posters. Something really isn't right.

So, by the time the movie was released, people were desperate to know what role Okoye would play in the movie and how she was dealing with the events of Infinity War.

But...uh...they might've been a little disappointed. Okoye's role in Endgame is minimal at best, appearing briefly at the beginning in a group scene before disappearing again until the final battle with Thanos. Even then, her role is overshadowed by what the other Avengers are doing. Altogether, Okoye appears only a handful of times in the full three-hour run.

I guess you could say that people weren't happy.

Marvel really put Okoye in all of endgame posters but only include less than a minute of her in the actual movie. Yikes.

People said that Marvel had "over-emphasised Okoye's role" and accused them of doing so to make the cast seem more diverse.

A non-spoilery #Endgame thought: The promo tour definitely over-emphasized Okoye's role to make the cast seem more diverse than it was. She has less screentime than some of the un-advertised white characters.

Minor Endgame spoiler? It's about Okoye I know themovie is about the OG Avengers but why include Danai/Okoye in the press tour and get our hopes up? They are clearly using her for woke points/to get Black Panther fans. I'm πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•

The criticism was made all the worse by the fact that people had been genuinely excited to see where Okoye's story arc would go, considering what she went through in Black Panther and what she lost in Infinity War.

I am ready for Okoye’s anger in Avengers: Endgame. Thanos stripped Wakanda of its safety, it’s King and it’s Princess and part of the population got dusted... I hope she gets to kick some ass.

Seeing okoye be the leader of wakanda during Endgame is what is necessary

90% of the reason I’m going to see Avengers: Endgame is to find out how Okoye is doing. I hope the first 45 minutes is just her going about her day, holding it down in Wakanda, rising to the challenge of leadership, filling out paperwork, etc.

However, not all hope is lost. During Endgame's final scenes, Okoye is shown standing alongside T'Challa and Shuri, while another scene later shows Wakanda, which looks to be thriving once more. So, here's to hoping Okoye gets a little more screentime if there's a Black Panther sequel in the works.

BuzzFeed has reached out to representatives of Marvel for comment.

Ben Henry is a celebrity reporter for BuzzFeed UK and is based in London.

Contact Ben Henry at

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2019-04-26 12:12:00Z

How Did Taylor Swift's Feud With Kim Kardashian Begin and Why Won't It End? - The Cheat Sheet

Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian are two of the biggest names in showbiz. Taylor is a hit pop singer who broke into the country world at the young age of 15, quickly rising to stardom. Kim, well she’s Kim Kardashian of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. She’s the star of a wildly popular reality show and the creator of her own cosmetic brand.

It seems like these two were destined to be besties, right? Far from it. The pair has a longstanding feud that doesn’t appear to be getting resolved anytime soon. Taylor’s new single, ME!, includes a snake that turns into a butterfly that will surely keep the feud talk going a bit longer. For those of you who don’t know the details, let’s take a look at what started the battle between these women.

What is the cause of Taylor Swift’s feud with Kim Kardashian?

Kanye West could be at the root of Taylor’s feud with Kim. Specifically, his own issues with Taylor. Who could forget that time at the VMA where Kanye stormed the stage and told Taylor that she didn’t deserve the award that she just received. Way back in 2009, Kanye interrupted Taylor’s acceptance speech to say that BeyoncΓ© was more deserving of the award for Music Video of the Year.

Taylor was left on stage speechless. This was five years before he married Kim. But we’d beg to say that there’s still some bad blood between Taylor and Kanye.

Kanye West reignited the feud

Everything seemed to be going fine between Taylor and the West family, that is until Kanye released his new album in 2016. Not one to shy away from stirring up drama, the rapper included a not-so-nice reference to America’s favorite singer.

Swift responded and said she was outraged by the lyrics. Though she knew that she would be included in a song, she claimed that she had no idea how bad the lyrics were actually going to be.

Kim supposedly had video proof that Taylor knew exactly what the lyrics were going to be. Kim posted the video with parts of Kanye and Taylor’s phone call, but there were cuts so it’s not exactly clear how much Kanye told Taylor. The harshest lyrics were not heard on the phone call video posted.

Kim called Taylor a snake for having the response that she did to the song. Taylor responded the best way she knows how: through song. In her music video for Look What You Made Me Do there is a clear reference to Kim and Kanye at the end. One version of Taylor is holding a hissing snake, while another is saying that she is “getting receipts,” continuing, “I’m going to edit this later.”

Taylor Swift is known for using her songs as verbal weapons

It’s a longstanding joke in the entertainment industry: “Don’t get on Taylor Swift’s bad side. She’ll write a song about you.” The former country singer has certainly proved that there is no holding back when it comes to what she puts in her song lyrics. Many of Hollywood’s young stars have found themselves the star of a “Taylor Swift Song.”

Some of the most notable song references have been “We are never ever getting back together” for Jake Gyllenhaal, “I knew you were trouble” for Harry Styles, and “Dear John” for John Mayer. She also took a slam at Katy Perry in her “Look what you made me do video.”

Why won’t Taylor Swift’s feud with Kim Kardashian end?

Though Kim claims that the feud between the two is over, the reality star seems to be throwing some shade at the pop queen again. When Swift announced she would be releasing new music on April 26, Kardashian also announced that she would be releasing her new perfume that same day. Is this a grudge that the two will ever get over? Are fans making it bigger than it is? Sometimes, people just can’t get along. And maybe that’s just what it is between Taylor Swift and the Kardashian-West family.

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2019-04-26 10:11:10Z

Britney Spears leaves wellness facility, report says - Fox News

Britney Spears reportedly checked out of a undisclosed wellness facility Thursday where she has been reportedly seeking mental health treatment for the last month.

Spears’ boyfriend, Sam Asghari, picked the singer up and drove her home, People reported.

Spears addressed rumors she was being held at the center against her will this week in an Instagram post, saying, "There’s rumors, death threats to my family and my team, and just so many things crazy things being said.” She added that’s she’s doing "what’s best" and asked for privacy.



She put her second Las Vegas residency show “Britney: Domination” on indefinite hiatus in January to be by her father’s side as he battles a serious colon condition. Her first Las Vegas residency, “Britney: Piece of Me” ran from 2013 to 2017.

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2019-04-26 09:18:19Z