Jumat, 26 April 2019

How Did Taylor Swift's Feud With Kim Kardashian Begin and Why Won't It End? - The Cheat Sheet

Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian are two of the biggest names in showbiz. Taylor is a hit pop singer who broke into the country world at the young age of 15, quickly rising to stardom. Kim, well she’s Kim Kardashian of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. She’s the star of a wildly popular reality show and the creator of her own cosmetic brand.

It seems like these two were destined to be besties, right? Far from it. The pair has a longstanding feud that doesn’t appear to be getting resolved anytime soon. Taylor’s new single, ME!, includes a snake that turns into a butterfly that will surely keep the feud talk going a bit longer. For those of you who don’t know the details, let’s take a look at what started the battle between these women.

What is the cause of Taylor Swift’s feud with Kim Kardashian?

Kanye West could be at the root of Taylor’s feud with Kim. Specifically, his own issues with Taylor. Who could forget that time at the VMA where Kanye stormed the stage and told Taylor that she didn’t deserve the award that she just received. Way back in 2009, Kanye interrupted Taylor’s acceptance speech to say that Beyoncé was more deserving of the award for Music Video of the Year.

Taylor was left on stage speechless. This was five years before he married Kim. But we’d beg to say that there’s still some bad blood between Taylor and Kanye.

Kanye West reignited the feud

Everything seemed to be going fine between Taylor and the West family, that is until Kanye released his new album in 2016. Not one to shy away from stirring up drama, the rapper included a not-so-nice reference to America’s favorite singer.

Swift responded and said she was outraged by the lyrics. Though she knew that she would be included in a song, she claimed that she had no idea how bad the lyrics were actually going to be.

Kim supposedly had video proof that Taylor knew exactly what the lyrics were going to be. Kim posted the video with parts of Kanye and Taylor’s phone call, but there were cuts so it’s not exactly clear how much Kanye told Taylor. The harshest lyrics were not heard on the phone call video posted.

Kim called Taylor a snake for having the response that she did to the song. Taylor responded the best way she knows how: through song. In her music video for Look What You Made Me Do there is a clear reference to Kim and Kanye at the end. One version of Taylor is holding a hissing snake, while another is saying that she is “getting receipts,” continuing, “I’m going to edit this later.”

Taylor Swift is known for using her songs as verbal weapons

It’s a longstanding joke in the entertainment industry: “Don’t get on Taylor Swift’s bad side. She’ll write a song about you.” The former country singer has certainly proved that there is no holding back when it comes to what she puts in her song lyrics. Many of Hollywood’s young stars have found themselves the star of a “Taylor Swift Song.”

Some of the most notable song references have been “We are never ever getting back together” for Jake Gyllenhaal, “I knew you were trouble” for Harry Styles, and “Dear John” for John Mayer. She also took a slam at Katy Perry in her “Look what you made me do video.”

Why won’t Taylor Swift’s feud with Kim Kardashian end?

Though Kim claims that the feud between the two is over, the reality star seems to be throwing some shade at the pop queen again. When Swift announced she would be releasing new music on April 26, Kardashian also announced that she would be releasing her new perfume that same day. Is this a grudge that the two will ever get over? Are fans making it bigger than it is? Sometimes, people just can’t get along. And maybe that’s just what it is between Taylor Swift and the Kardashian-West family.

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2019-04-26 10:11:10Z

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